Thursday, April 9, 2020

Hainanese Beef Stew

Ingredients 4 people

Beef chuck 300g
Beef flank 300g (Usually get my beef from Fairprice Xtra)
Fermented bean Tau Cheo 1.5 tbspn
Fermented bean curd Fu Ru 1 tbpn
Minced Garlic 1tbspn
White radish 1 piece cut into round disc 1cm thick
Carrots 2 big ones diced into slightly larger cubes
Oil 3tbspn
Water 400ml


1. Cut the beef into bite sized pieces (across the grain)

2. Heat the oil and fry the garlic, tau cheo and fu ru for 1 minutes.

3. Add the beef and stir fry until the beef is slightly brown on the outside. (about 4 minutes)

4. Add water, carrot and white raddish. Let it boil for 10 minutes then simmer until the volume is reduced to half its original amount. It takes about 1 hour for the beef to soften.

5. Cheat method: Transfer the stew to a pressure cooker and switch to 'Stew/Soup' mode for 30 minutes. After releasing the vent, change to 'Bake/Saute' mode to boil off the excess soup.

6. Serve with rice, chilli padi and Chinese parsley :)

Pro tip: White raddish does not require a long time to cook. Add it 15 minutes after you have added the carrots or pause your pressure cooker to add it in when there's 15 minutes left on the timer.

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